Salt Magazine


The article in Salt Magazine was published in Dutch. A journalist got a in-water-coaching with the theme on how to train your willpower. The magazine published 10 tips on how to empower the power of your will. The conclusion of the article can be found through THIS LINK (Dutch) If you are interested in the [...]

Talk Omniversum


'Nanja van den Broek gave an inspirational lecture about her world record. Also Nanja spoke about her fascination for her favorite animal the shark and about the plastic pollution.' This lecture she gave an hour before the Dutch premiere of the movie "Great white shark". Several enthusiastic reactions followed at the end of the lecture.



Manuel Vanderbos is a Dutch presentator of the successful television-program Galileo. He challenged himself to hold his breath as long as possible and to see how deep he could come in a short time of practice.

Branding Power


Sacha van den Ende is chief editor at PSC Magazine. In that function Sacha interviewed Nanja about the mental aspects of her sport. Sacha was also curious how Nanja uses her sport in coaching other people who are dealing with stress situations. He interviewed her also about the business trainings she is giving. Link is [...]

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